

表達欣賞 提升獨特感

假如給你兩分鐘時間作自我介紹,你會怎樣描述自己呢?筆者曾經着一班中 一學生介紹自己,第一位同學說道:「我的名字是陳志滔,今年十二歲,在新元 小學畢業,家中有爸爸、媽媽和我。唔……我喜歡吃朱古力、漢堡包……」他說 罷還剩下長長的一分鐘。接着第二位同學介紹自己,他說:「我叫 曾鈞傑,今年 十二歲,在朗中小學畢業,家中有爸爸、媽媽、妹妹和我。我也喜歡吃朱古力, 還有雪糕和曲奇餅。我最喜歡……」這個同學總算把「資料」塞滿了兩分鐘。坦 白說,在四十多個學生之中,沒有三兩個能給人留下印象。細想之下,發覺這現 象其實合理不過。在我們生活的環境裡,一幢幢設計相同的住宅大厦、一間間連 鎖經營的超級市場,沒有個性的環境孕育沒有個性的孩子。欠缺獨特感(Selfhood) 的人,他/她們傾向用負面語句描述自己和別人,對自己的外貌、體態缺乏信心, 不喜歡照鏡和拍照片。他/她們相信自己不會令人留有印象,別人是不會記起自 己的。記得有一次,那時已是學期中段了,一個學生在放學後找我,事情已經忘 記了,卻記得他的開場白,他說:「馮老師,我是 1E 班的鄭卓能,你教我中文科 的,我想問……」我給他的清楚介紹嚇了一跳,我是他的班主任呀!學期過了一 半了,難道我不知道他是誰嗎?其實類似這樣的經驗也有不少,看來他們是不相 信老師會認得自己呢!作為父母和師長,我們實在要多向孩子表達對他/她們的 欣賞,我們的接納可以提升他/她們的獨特感,令孩子對自己有準確、正面的自 我描述。

從旁指引 建立方向感

方向感(Mission)是指個體對自己的生活方向有清晰的體認。具方向感的人 會為自己訂立具體而實際的目標, 他 / 她們因應自己的能力循序漸進地加以實 踐,擁有較强的自制能力。現今社會為人們提供大量選擇,缺乏方向感的人就更 容易迷失其中。就以讀書為例,往日在完成中五課程後,不能取得預科學位的, 要不就是重讀中五,明年再考;要不就是放棄升讀的志願,投身社會工作。選擇 有限,做決定也就不難。當然,有選擇始終是好事,不重讀中五而又能走向大學 之路的,可以修讀副學士課程、副學士先修課程等等,有志者最後終能殊途而同 歸。不錯,其實成功的關鍵在於有目標、有方向。想協助孩子建立方向感的父母, 你們應該先了解孩子的能力,然後跟孩子一同訂定較其能力略高的目標,切記要 「一同訂定」,而不是你們為他設計好一切,否則孩子只會一世做你們的跟從者, 永遠不會為自己構想未來的了。

無條件接納 力量無窮

自尊感的五個要素就好像圓環般互相的緊扣。安全感足夠的孩子,他/她們 較願意在陌生環境裡認識朋友,勇於嘗試不同的學習任務,不害怕失敗。過程中, 孩子對於自己的性格、能力、愛好等個人特質能有較具體的掌握,也就較清楚自 己的生活路向了。自尊感的五個要素除了有着緊扣的關係外,當中又以安全感作 為其他要素發展的基石。相信當你們越清楚自尊感的內涵,便會越明白給與孩子 安全感的重要。在此筆者送上一個愛子錦囊——「無條件接納」,它的養分已 經足以給與孩子安全感的了。「如果你考 20 名之內,我就錫唒你!」家長們,不 要再跟你的孩子說這樣的話了,你對他的愛不應該是帶有條件的。

  • 馮淑珍博士為香港專業輔導協會委員會成員及認證輔導師


有好多人以為有病先要見輔導,又以為見輔導係可以即刻畀個答案你,但原來輔導好似係一張地圖,係你迷失既時候話畀你知個環境係咩,但要行邊條路同點樣行始終都要靠自己決定。 Read more

admin July 1, 2017 No Comments

In loving memory of Dr. Chan Ching Hai Charles

In loving memory of

Dr. Chan Ching Hai Charles


2 January 1956 – 23 June 2017

We are very sad to know that Charles, ex-President of our Hong Kong Professional Counseling Association, passed away on 23 June 2017.

Over the past two decades, Charles had been highly supportive to our Association and made remarkable contribution to the counselling profession in Hong Kong.  In particular, he had successfully advocated and established the Approved Supervisor Scheme in 2005.

Charles was already a seasoned clinical psychologist with children and young adults in university counselling and hospital settings in Hong Kong and Brisbane before he joined the Hong Kong Polytechnic University as an Associate Professor.  He had got large research grants from Government on inter-generational poverty alleviation, child injury prevention and home visitation, as well as in a number of territory-wide youth mentoring research.

He was appointed to a number of high-level Government steering committees in the Bureaus of Education, Food and Health and was the Principal Investigator of the Labor and Welfare Bureau’s HK$300 Million Child Development Fund Pioneer Project.

He was also active in many university-community partnership organizations in Hong Kong, being one of the founding Board members of Hong Kong Church Network for the Poor, Child Development Matching Fund, Quality Mentorship Network, and Childhood Injury Prevention and Research Association.

Nothing could be helped more to express our deepest condolences and sympathy to our most respectful HKPCA ex-President and his family members. Rest In Peace !

                                                                                                HKPCA Council (2017-2018)

admin July 1, 2017 No Comments

Recruitment: Half-time clerk for HKPCA

The appointee will provide support to membership application and renewal, workshop promotion and coordination, as well as journal and newsletter publications. He/she will also perform daily administrative duties and any other duties related to the Association. The appointee is expected to assume duty as soon as possible in July 2017. Initial appointment will be made on a six-month contract which may be renewed subject to mutual agreement.

Applicants should be literate in computer applications including MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint; able to work independently at home; and have good communication and organizational skills. Mature and attention to details are essential.

Interested applicant please write email to secretariat, [email protected] with personal resume enclosed.
HKPCA parttime