International Affiliations  with Australian Counselling Association (ACA) MOU renewal July 2020

July 15, 2020


This MEMORANDUM of UNDERSTANDING is entered into by and between Australian Counselling Association Inc (ACA), located at Unit 2, 42 Finsbury Street, Newmarket QLD 405 l_and Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association, ACA and HKPCA are referred to collectively, as “Parties” or individually as “Party”.



A. Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association (HKPCA) HKPCA is the largest, oldest and most established organization representing professional counsellors in Hong Kong. HKPCA was founded in 1995 with 22 years of history, accumulated over 1,200 members, which constitute a broad representation of professional counsellors in Hong KongName of the agency, legal basis of its creation and its function.
B. While this MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING does not establish a binding contractual relationship between the Patiies, it will facilitate the establishment of working relationship between them, potentially leading to the conduct of various collaborative activities.


Broad Areas for Collaboration

  1. The Parties will keep an open line of communication with relevant people to discuss oppo1tunities for collaboration. Such oppo11unities may include:
    (a) To compare the number and kind of professions involved in the counselling professions of both countries.
    (b) To identify the basis for the development of the counselling professions.
    (c) To compare the professional practice and exchange of unit of competency and assessment tools.
  2. Where an activity may give rise to obligations between the patties, a separate and legally binding agreement must be entered into for each activity before it is undertaken.


  1. Legal Effect of this MOU
    This MOU outlines the framework of working relationship between the parties, it is not intended to constitute a contract but is built on goodwill and binding in honour only. No partnership or joint venture is created by this MOU, and no pa1iy can commit another financially or otherwise to third parties.
  2. Confidentiality
    Each party shall only use another party’s confidential information which is conununicated to it in connection with this MOU for the purpose for which it was communicated, or othe1wise with the pennission of the communicating party.
  3. Intellectual Property
    Nothing in this MOU alters or affects the ownership of any intellectual prope1ty which is communicated by one party to another or which is created by a party.
  4. Use of Name and Logo
    No party shall use the name of another party as an endorsement, or another party’s logo (or any variation thereof), without first obtaining the relevant pa1t’s written consent.
  5. Standard of Petformance
    All obligations under this MOU (and any agreement resulting from this MOU) shall be performed in a manner protective of and consistent with all parties’ reputation for excellence and integrity in their respective areas of operation.
  6. Implementation
    a. Both Patties agreed to rnn technical meetings periodically to develop this Memorandum of Understanding.
    b. Technical meetings will discuss Action Plan, steps, schedules and mechanism of cooperation.
  7. Duration and Termination
    This Memorandum of Understanding will be effective from the date of signing for 24 months; may be extended by the mutual agreement of both patties, and may be terminated by either party on the giving of notice.

View more:
International Affiliations  with Australian Counselling Association (ACA) MOU renewal 2020.pdf