Notice to Candidates of Certified Counselors, Certified Counselors and Supervisors (updated Jan 2022)

January 26, 2022

Special Notice 特別通告
The maximum recognized number of ONLINE supervised practice and supervision hours for the candidates of Certified Counselors is extended from 20% to 50% of the total hours to be fulfilled. This is effective until FURTHER NOTICE from the Association and update on this website.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.

有關認證輔導師候選人 網上實習及督導時數, 本會只承認候選人總實報時數的 50% (原本是20%) 作為 網上 實習及督導時數上限, 仍然有效,直至本會另行公告,並於本網頁內更新
